Eastbourne, Sussex, England

24 January 1894



[written by Aleister Crowley under the pen name "Ta Dhuibh"]




On Friday night, at the Victoria Restaurant, Mr. J. H. Blackburne, the world-famous chess master, played 27 games simultaneously, of which he won 20, drew 6, and lost 1. This was to the Rev. J. Disney, who defended with a Fianchetto di Ré, and won in brilliant style. After a vote of thanks, the proceedings terminated. A most singular fact is that a game was played, identically the same, move for move, as one contested at Hastings by Mr. Blackburne a little while ago.



The handicap tournament is still proceeding. We append the following little game recently played in it:




On Friday next Hailsham is coming to play the return match with our second team. We can always muster a strong team for home matches and should improve on our score in the first match which was 9 to 5.



The returns with Hastings and Uckfield are also soon due, and notice of them will appear in this column shortly.



Here is a problem which we invite our readers to solve. Put the pieces in playing order, then in how many ways can mate be given in seven moves or less. For example, Fool's or Scholar's Mates. For the largest number of distinct mates we offer as a prize "The Principles of Chess," by James Mason.