Lewes, Sussex, England

27 January 1894

(page 8)





On Friday evening at the Victoria Restaurant, Mr. J. H. Blackburne played simultaneously 27 players, 24 of who were Eastbourne men, while two came from Hastings and one for Uckfield. Mr. Blackburne won 20 games, lost one, and drew six. Play commenced at seven o’clock, and lasted till a quarter to 11. The first game was finished at 8.45, Mr. E. G. Boys being defeated in 15 moves. The game was identical with that which Mr. Blackburn played against Mr. Miller at Hastings last week. At twenty past nine Mr. Blackburn won his game against Mr. Cripps and Mr. C. Thomas and ten minutes later lost to the Rev. J. Disney. The following drew their games:—Messrs. A. Turner, T. Parkes, C. Thomas, S. Thomas, E. A. Rich, E. Kelsie, E. A. Crowley, S. R. Hunt, E. Curtis, G. T. Cripps, F. T. Lloyd, S. Pennington, E. K. Roberts, E. G. Boys, F. L. Marchant, D. C. Davidson, A. Müller, C. A. Leighton, Rev. C. J. Langley, and Dr. J. A. Adams.—The Rev. E. A. Schuster proposed a vote of thanks for his brilliant display of chess.—Mr. W. Coupe seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously.—Mr. Blackburn, in reply, said he had now settled in Sussex, and would probably occasionally look in at the Eastbourne Club. With regard to the play of the evening, he might say that the game he lost was a most remarkable and well-played game. His opponent caught him in two ways. Whichever way he played he was bound to lose. He did not know whether he was one of their first-class players or not.