THE EASTBOURNE GAZETTE Eastbourne, Sussex, England 7 February 1894
CHESS NOTES [written by Aleister Crowley under the pen name "Ta Dhuibh"]
The leaders in the tournament at present are the following
Class 1. Mr. Coure W. 15 L. 4 D. 1 Points 11. Class 1. Mr. Bullock W. 10 L. 5 D. 1 Points 5. Class 2. Mr. Crowley W. 17 L. 5 D. 0 Points 12. Class 2. Mr. Lloyd W. 7 L. 4 D. 0 Points 3.
The others are in the background (more or less), with, at most, one to their credit. I see that some competitors have resigned their games. This is some eminently unfair that I feel bound to notice it. When one of these gentlemen has (say) lost two games it is pleasant (to say the least) for the victor to have those two knocked off his score. Likewise, if he has beaten anyone twice, perhaps the loser may be actually placed top by the other’s withdrawal. On the other hand, if he simply leaves his games unfinished, it is equally unfair, either to those with whom he has or has not played, and there is but one remedy for this grave fault—every competitor, on entering, should bind himself to pay a substantial sum in the event of his not finishing his games, illness of course, or other necessity excepted. This matter is bound to cause much vexation if not treated properly, especially with a handicap with as close a finish as this promises to have.
This week we give our first problem and shall give it the title of “The Premier.”
White.—K, Q R 8; Q, K R 8; R, Q B 6; Bs, Q Kt 8 and K R Sq; Kts, Q R 4 and K Kt 6; Ps, Q Kt 3, Q Kt 5, Q Kt 6, K 3 and K B 3. Black.—K, Q 4; Q, Q B 6; Rs, K B 2 and K B 5; B, Q R, 8; Kts, Q 2 and K R 4; Ps, Q R 4, Q Kt 2, Q B 5, K 2, K 5, K B 3 and K R 3.
White mates in two moves.
A copy of “The Principles of Chess” will be given quarterly to the solver who is most successful. Solutions should be sent in within eight days from publication, to the Chess Editor, Gazette Office.
To-night we are bound for Lewes. Messrs. Coupe, Bullock, Martin, Marchant, Ourtis, Kelsey, Lloyd and Crowley will probably constitute the team. After my last attempt at prophecy I will not attempt to forecast the result.
Those who are attempting the “Short Mate” Problem should send in their games before the end of February. The winner will be made known a week later.