Eastbourne, Sussex, England

14 February 1894



[written by Aleister Crowley under the pen name "Ta Dhuibh"]




Defeated and disgraced! No excuse whatever for our pitiable collapse! Score:




White forces checkmate in 5 moves.


Our second problem is as follows:


White.—K, Q R sq; Q, K B sq; Bs, Q B sq and Q Kt 5; Kt s, K R 5 and K B 3; Ps, Q R 3, Q R 5, Q Kt 6, Q B 6, and K B 6.

Black.—K, Q 4; R, Q Kt 7; Ps, Q 6, Q B 7, and Q Kt 6.

White compels Black to mate in two moves.


On Friday night a Committee meeting decided as follows: —1. The Handicap must close by March 9. All competitors are most strongly urged, most earnestly requested, to finish their games before that date, lest there should be unfairness in the result. We hope this will be done without fail by all the competitors. 2. The Championship opens at once and closes at the end of April. There are about five entries.


Solvers of our problems will be marked as follows: Two points for a two-mover, three for a three-mover, and so on. Marks for every correct solution, but any incorrect key sent in forfeits one mark.


Composers of problems are invited to send them to this paper. We shall be pleased to publish them if suitable, and to aid in any possible way those who wish to improve in the art. Solutions of No. 1 will appear next week. The last day for receiving will be as previously stated, Thursday the 15th.