THE EASTBOURNE GAZETTE Eastbourne, Sussex, England 28 February 1894
CHESS NOTES [written by Aleister Crowley under the pen name "Ta Dhuibh"]
There was an omission in problem No. 2 of a white pawn at Q 2. The error was obvious and does not seem to have bothered our solvers much. The solution is 1. Kt to Kt 5. Solvers, T.A.L., 2; X, 2; E.C.W., 2; V.S., 2—1; G.P., 2; P.J.S., 2.
Problem No. 4. 3 B kt 3 / 2 p 3 p 1 / 2 P p 1 p P 1 / R Kt 2 k 3 / 3 Kt 3 p / 1 P 5 K / 3 P B 3 / 4 R 3. White mates in two moves.
This notation is called the Forsyth. Begin at the left-hand top corner (White’s Q R 8) and work to the right. Figures denote the number of empty squares. Capitals denote white pieces, small letters, black ones.
The attendance at the Club of late is quite phenomenal. We have had as many as six present on one evening, and though the average attendance is only two or three, of course, yet, we have every reason to congratulate ourselves on the present state of things. Out of a mere fifty we can muster six! This diligence is most commendable, and, if persisted in, can hardly fail to secure victory in all our matches.
The following game may be taken as a typical second-class tournament contest. It was played on November 3rd last year—level.
The end which Black had played for since his 15th move. Of course White’s last few moves were very weak, the result, probably, of overstrained attention. Marks will be given to solvers for the mate in 4 here set down.