Eastbourne, Sussex, England

7 March 1894



[written by Aleister Crowley under the pen name "Ta Dhuibh"]



“We have won great glory, my men.” Eastbourne has arisen in her might and fought valiantly and conquered.


“There was a smart chess club at Eastbourne.

Whose glory and honor increased, borne

On pinions cherubic

They conquered so ubiq-

Uitously, those players of Eastbourne.”


Really, 9½ to 2½ is a capital score considering that at least one of our losses was a won game thrown away, the room being so hot and void of fresh air as to be hardly supportable. Score in detail:



The Handicap Tournament supports the weight of its years very well, and a good many games have been decided recently. Only about one hundred and twenty-five remain to be played—before March the 9th? ?


The “short mate” Tourney has been won by Mr. T. A. Leighton. Some of the mates sent in by this gentleman were very elegant indeed. We regret that space forbids the insertion of any of them.


Solvers of No. 3 are as follows: —T. A. L., 2; X., 2; P. J. S., 2; E. G. Boys, 2 (a skilfully constructed problem); V. S., 2; G. P., 2; E. C. W., 2; P. B., 2. The solution was Q to Q 4. This week we will try and puzzle our solvers a little more as follows.


No. 6.

1 B 6 | 2 p 1 Kt 2 p | Q P 1 p 1 K 2 | 8 | 4 p k 2 | 4 kt P 1 P | 3 P 3 P | 4 Kt 3 | White mates in two moves.


No. 7.

6 r 1 | 6 p 1 | 4 Kt 2 B | 4 Kt 1 R 1 | 8 | 4 R 2 K | 1 Q 6 | 8 | White mates in two moves.


One thing is desirable, and I must appeal to the generous public. This is a Prize for the most brilliant game played in the Championship Tournament. Will nobody step forward and offer one?


There is just one other point. As regards the order in matches, it is a general rule in the big London clubs that when a man loses a game in a match he is sent down lower, and this makes the men more careful in match play. Is there any reason for not doing this in Eastbourne. I am certain that such a measure would be attended with instant benefit.


The return to Hastings is to take place on Wednesday next at Hastings. The last match ended in a draw. We hope this will be improved upon to some purpose.