Hastings, Sussex, England

17 March 1894

(page 6)





The return match between the second team of the Hastings and St. Leonards Chess Club and the first team of the Eastbourne Chess Club was played at the Queen’s Hotel on Wednesday evening. Play began at 6.30 p.m. and continued until nearly 9 p.m. Mr. Lloyd, the Eastbourne hon. Sec. was the first to score, and the second game finished resulted in a win for the same side. From that point things began to improve for the home team, Mr. Earl winning his contest after a good fight. The game between the two captains was watched with considerable interest, and Mr. Tuddenham must be warmly congratulated on having defeated the strongest player in Eastbourne. After more than two hours play, Messrs. Herington and Bullock agreed to a draw. Mr. Herington having a slight advantage of one pawn. At the call of time three games were unfinished, and Mr. Blackburne very kindly consented to act as honorary adjudicator. After examination, he gave each game a draw, and then the final result was found to be a tie—4 all. As the previous match was also a tie, it was at once agreed on both sides to play a third contest at Eastbourne in April. Score:—



Whilst the match was in progress Mr. Blackburne played a game against Messrs. Locock, Cheshire and Chapman in consultation. The trio had an advantage in material, but their great opponent played the ending magnificently, and secured a draw.