THE SUSSEX AGRICULTURAL EXPRESS Lewes, Sussex, England 24 March 1894 (page 5)
The return match between teams of eight a-side representing Eastbourne and Lewes Chess Clubs was played at the Victoria Restaurant, Eastbourne, on Wednesday evening. At the call of time several games remained to be adjudicated. On board five one was given in favour of Eastbourne, but on boards 1, 2, and 4 the games were adjudicated, Score:—
Eastbourne.—W. Coupe, a, ½; H. S. Bullock, a. ½; G. A. Stewart, 0; J. Martin, a, ½; E. A. Crowley, a, 1; F. T. Lloyd (secretary), 1; E. J. Roberts, 1; F. Thomas, 1.—Total, 5½.
Lewes.—E. Bosher, a, ½; W. Walker, a, ½; J. Chandler, 1; Rev. C. D. Badland, a, ½; J. Waterfall, a, 0; H. Thompson, 0; G. Weaver, 0; P. Burtenshaw, 0.—Total, 2½.
The italic a denotes the games adjudicated upon. |