Eastbourne, Sussex, England

11 April 1894

(page 8)



[written by Aleister Crowley under the pen name "Ta Dhuibh"]



We have closed our matches with two losses—our second team losing to Hailsham and our first to Hastings’ second team. We give full scores:



The Handicap is no nearer its end now than it was a month—or two months ago. When a gentleman does not begin his games till a month after the Handicap should have ended there is apt to be some confusion. Needless to say, such a thing would not have been allowed in any other chess club under the sun. The consequence is that the tournament instead of being over is in such a condition that almost the only fair way of ending it would be to defer to next year—as was done last season.



Solution of Problem 10, K to Q Kt 2. Solvers: T.A.L., 2; “X,” 2; E.C.W., 2;V.S., 2;G.P., 2; P.B.,2 .





3 Kt 4—8—3 P 4—p 1 P k B 2 K—p 3 p 3—P 7—2 P 1 P 1 P 1—2 Q 5. White mates in three moves; three marks for key, two extra for each 2nd move of White.


The Hon. Sec. of the Sussex Chess Association has written endeavouring to explain the charges against Brighton, which were practically that they played their best men at the bottom boards and that one player was not entered for the cup, even as a reserve. The explanation we cannot regard as satisfactory as, even if they kept within the letter of the law, we cannot but consider that the spirit was violated.