THE EASTBOURNE GAZETTE Eastbourne, Sussex, England 18 April 1894
CHESS NOTES [written by Aleister Crowley under the pen name "Ta Dhuibh"]
On Friday evening last we had an unexpected pleasure, no less a person then Mr. Blackburne paying us a visit. He gave a short simultaneous display of seven games. He won four and drew three with Messrs. Crowley, Kelsey and Rich. We publish one of the games:
Perhaps better than taking the second pawn.
The two bishops are always dangerous and the pawn might have been regained with the better game.
We hope that Mr. Blackburne will play blindfold here shortly. Arrangements already being made for this desirable event.
PROBLEM NO. 13. k 5 b 1—p p 4 p r—2 p K 4—1 P 6—2 p 5—6 b 1—3 R 4—6 Q 1. White mates in three moves.
Solution of No. 11. 1 P to R 8, becoming a Knight.
We shall not publish solvers’ marks for a week or two when they will appear all together.