Eastbourne, Sussex, England

25 April 1894



[written by Aleister Crowley under the pen name "Ta Dhuibh"]



We should like to call the attention of players to the appended variations with the double object of also appropriating them once for all.




We trust that if anybody wishes to claim priority in the discovery of any of these variations, they will communicate with us.



It would be rather a novelty, we think, if a Blindfold Tournament were started at the Chess Club. There is nothing like blindfold play for improving the memory and one’s grasp of the game generally. Of course such a contest would be confined to a very few the first year, but afterwards more would enter, and by and by we should be able to Challenge Hailsham or some club of about that strength and play a match, our men blindfold, theirs seeing.



We hope, later, to be able to give particulars of each member’s success in matches during the season. Some seem to be very fortunate in tournaments and to fail utterly in matches, and vice versa. It may be inexplicable, but it is no doubt true.





6 K 2 | 6 kt 1 | 2 p 2 R 2 | 1 kt 2 k P 2 | 7 Q | 4 Kt 3 | 3 P 4 | 8

White mates in two moves.