THE EASTBOURNE GAZETTE Eastbourne, Sussex, England 30 May 1894
CHESS NOTES [written by Aleister Crowley under the pen name "Ta Dhuibh"]
The summer meetings of the Club will be held at the School of Art, Cornfield-road, every Friday at seven o'clock. Next Friday there will be a Committee meeting for the purpose of settling the handicap difficulty. A proposal has been made which bids fair to clear up the difficulties of the situation which were insuperable by any other means. It is, in short, that those players with fairly good scores be allowed to compete afresh. There are only about four competitors with any position at all to speak of, and a quartette tournament between these four cannot possibly take much time, and all unfairness will be avoided. The Club is to be heartily congratulated on this escape from the scandalous position in which it was in danger of being placed. The following game was won by an Eastbournian, playing for Sussex against North London, last Saturday week.
On Friday Mr. Blackburne gave a simultaneous display at Diplock's Hotel. Mr. Coupe alone drew his game through. Messrs. Rich and Crowley should have won.
6 kt 1 | 3 p 2 kt 1 | 4 p 1 B 1 | 1 K Kt 2 p Q 1 | 3 k Kt P p 1 | 4 p 3 | 2 P 4 | 8. White mates in three moves.
Next week we hope to publish the deferred solutions, and the total marks of solvers up to the end of May