Eastbourne, Sussex, England

6 June 1894





The quartette of players to play off the Handicap consists of Messrs. Coupe and Bullock (Class 1), and Messrs. Crowley and Martin (Class 2). The first three have already arranged meetings with each other; the score will therefore be fairly advanced by our next issue.


The World’s Championship has been won by Herr Lasker, who scored ten wins to his opponent’s five.


The Solutions of Problems are as follows:

No. 12.—P to K 3.

No. 13.—Q to Kt 6.

No. 14.—R to Q 6.

No. 15.—B to B 3.


Solvers totals: X., 43; E. C. W., 38; T. A. L., 33; G. P., 32; V. S., 29. The others are nowhere comparatively. T. A. L. failed on No. 13, otherwise he would have been equal to “X.”


There was an omission in Problem 16, of a Black Pawn, at Black’s Q Kt 2, and White’s second rank should have read: 2 P 5. There will be an extra week, therefore.


Problem No 17


k 7 | 2 p 5 | 2 Kt 5 | Kt 3 P 2 B | 3 K 4 | 8 | 8 | 2 R 5 | White mates in three moves.