Eastbourne, Sussex, England

13 June 1894



[written by Aleister Crowley under the pen name "Ta Dhuibh"]



The state of the Handicap is as follows:



Mr. Martin has not yet commenced to play. Should this state of things continue, it will be necessary to indicate a remedy—and that a drastic one. We think people generally are sick of the perpetual prolongations which have been made necessary.


Why should not the summer be beguiled by a continuous tournament? The principle of this is that every game played counts, each is recorded, and at the end of each month prizes are awarded as deserved. This has the great advantage of checking the everlasting skittle play that goes on, which does no good, and may even produce harm by inducing a careless style.




kt 2 b B 2 kt | 8 | 4 Kt p 2 | p p 1 k 1 P p 1 | 1 P 2 p 3 | Kt 1 P 4 p | 1 K 1 P 3 Q | 8 |. White mates in three moves.


It is possible that we may have a correspondence game with strong opponents before long. If our negotiations are successful we shall publish the course of the games week by week. Suggestions will be welcome from any Eastbournian as to the line of play. We hope to receive plenty of this sort of assistance.

The following game was played in the Championship recently. It is still unfinished, but we should almost think that White must win.



Threatening the Rook’s Pawn with a terrific attack and the Knight with immediate destruction. Black, after twenty-two minutes’ consideration, decided to adjourn the game for a week. We hope to give the sequel in our next issue.