Eastbourne, Sussex, England

20 June 1894



[written by Aleister Crowley under the pen name "Ta Dhuibh"]



The handicap score is as follows:



Mr. Martin has not yet commenced to play his games. We hope that he will not attempt to do so at this late stage, as such a course can only lead to the annoyance which was experienced before in connection with his games. In starting to play one month after the handicap should have ended, he caused the necessity of replaying the contest. We must again express a strong hope that he will not now expect to finish. It would be a difficult task, even for a quick and enthusiastic player; for the gentleman in question it is quite outside the range of practical politics.


In the game we published last week, Black (Mr. Martin) has not yet seen fit to move. In the event of this desirable consummation being achieved, we will publish the end of the game.


The following game presents much interest. It is supposed to be one of the most brilliant on record, and is known as the “Immortal Game.”



Solution of Problem No. 16, Q x Kt’s P, No. 17, Kt to Kt 7. Correct solutions from X, E.C.W., G.P., and V.S.


Problem No 19


8 | 2 B 5 | 7 p | 7 P | 4 P 1 p p | 7 k | 4 K Q kt 1 | 5 B 1 b |

White mates in 4 moves.


No. 20 will close the present series and we shall be able to start afresh.