Eastbourne, Sussex, England

4 July 1894



[written by Aleister Crowley under the pen name "Ta Dhuibh"]



The adjourned game of four weeks ago proceeded as follows:



Black actually occupied 28 minutes 46 seconds in deliberation on this move, and then committed this grotesque blunder. Of course Q to Q B2 is the only move worth as much as a moment’s consideration, and it might have sufficed to draw the game. In last week’s analysis the move 26 K to K sq was missed by a strange oversight.



After making this move White wished to adjourn, as the hour was very late.


The return between Messrs. Coupe and Crowley resulted in a victory for the latter. Mr. Coupe selected an unsound variation in order to throw his opponent on his own resources, but it turned out badly, and he resigned on the 21st move. Mr. Crowley, therefore, is the winner of the Handicap. Mr. Bullock will be Champion for this year without doubt, there being nobody who can touch him in anything like a serious game. The losses he has sustained were simply due to a sense of security and its resultant catastrophes. The game, Coupe v. Crowley, is as follows;



Problems and Solutions next week, with the winner of the prize.