THE EASTBOURNE GAZETTE Eastbourne, Sussex, England 11 July 1894
The scoring in the handicap, according to the usual mode of reckoning, is as follows:—
Mr. Crowley First, two wins, two draws, three points. Mr. Bullock Second, one win, two draws, two points. Mr. Martin Third, two wins. Mr. Coupe Fourth, one win, three losses.
There is another way of scoring in which wins only are counted, losses subtracted from them, and draws ignored, but this offers no advantages. The other plan gives to the man who has played most games a certain advantage, which is quite as it should be. By the second method of scoring a man who has won one game with per- haps a very weak player comes out ahead of one who has won ten and lost ten, which is absurd. If, however, every game left un- played is counted a loss, the positions are unaltered even by this reckoning. The Committee will of course decide on the method to be adopted, and we believe that they are all but unanimous on the point. The show of last Friday night necessitated an adjournment to next Friday, but events took place on that evening of the Club which may call for further notice later on. In the meanwhile, our energetic, painstaking, and most efficient Secretary has found it necessary to resign his post in consequence, a loss which we fear can be replaced only with great difficulty.
Solution of No. 19. Q to R 7.
Solution of No. 20. Q to R 5.
E.C.W. failed on No. 19, while “X” conquered, and therefore becomes the winner of the prize by the narrow margin of five points.