THE EASTBOURNE GAZETTE Eastbourne, Sussex, England 1 August 1894 (page 3)
Foolhardy Climbers. Insensate folly takes various forms. One of the most dangerous is that of attempting to climb chalk cliffs on the southern coast. I notice in the window of Mr. Gibbs (chemist, Terminus-road), some notable photographs, showing two foolhardy individuals on the pinnacle at Beachy Head, one being at the summit in a position involving the greatest possible peril. I believe one of the persons referred to is a young gentleman (Mr. Crowley), who is of a very adventurous turn, and has fluttered the Volscians (chess players) in Corioli (their club room). He has contributed some chess notes to the Gazette from time to time. I am bound to condemn foolhardy climbing at Beachy Head, especially as a serious or fatal accident there would be detrimental to the town. I think it would be a very sensible plan to swear in the coastguards there as constables, and instruct them to prevent damage to the cliff. Its picturesque appearance might be greatly marred by climbers hacking away at it with their pick-axes. |