THE EASTBOURNE GAZETTE Eastbourne, Sussex, England 17 October 1894 (page 8)
EASTBOURNE CHESS CLUB.—At a general meeting of the members of this club held last Friday, it was decided that the yearly subscription should be raised from 5s. to 10s. 6d, that the Club should meet in future at the Queen's Hotel, that the days of meeting should be changed to Mondays and Thursdays, and that a fresh set of rules should be drawn up on the lines of those adopted by the Hastings Chess Club. These alterations, we understand, have been made with a view to the improvement and enlargement of the Club. Thanks to Mr. Steinle, a very suitable and spacious room at the Queen's Hotel, has been placed at the disposal of the Club on very reasonable terms. These improvements have already brought in several new members, and it is to be hoped that all interested in chess will support the club. It was a matter of regret to the Committee that Mr. Lloyd felt unable to undertake again the duties of Secretary, and a vote of thanks was accorded to him for his past services. The Club also loses the services of Mr. Marchant as treasurer. A new Committee was appointed, consisting of Messrs. Bullock, Coupe, Lloyd, and Steuart, two other members to be afterwards added. It was resolved to unite the offices of Secretary and Treasurer, and Messrs. Ellis Kelsey and George Langley were elected to share honorary posts. It is intended to have the next meeting at a very early date (possibly next week) of which notice will be given in our columns. The cup for the championships for the past season has been awarded to Mr. H. S. Bullock, and the handicap prize divided between Mr. E. A. Crowley and Mr. J. Martin. |