THE LONDON DAILY NEWS London, England 10 March 1896 (page 9)
An interesting encounter between the North London and the University took place at Cambridge on Saturday, with 14 players a side. The match resulted in an exceedingly well-fought encounter. The visitors had a very good team including Mr. Trenchard (captain), who defeated Mr. Gunston in the game given below, Mr. F. J. Wallace, who drew against Dr. Deighton, and Mr. A. E. Booth, who could do no more than draw against Mr. W. V. Naish. Mr. C. E. Biaggini succeeded in defeating Mr. Quinn, who has had considerable experience lately in London club play. The Cambridge men also showed good form lower down, where Mr. Latchworth succeeded in defeating an experienced opponent.—Mr. C. E. Jackman. The final result was a victory for North London by one game, as follows :