THE SAFFRON WALDEN WEEKLY NEWS Saffron Walden, Essex, England 30 October 1896 (page 6)
On Thursday a meeting was held in the Aldermen’s Parlour at the Guildhall with a view to forming a County Chess Association for Cambs. Mr. F. Deighton presided, and those attending included Messrs C. W. Warburton, Crowley, Gunston, U. K. Dutt, G. W. Perkins, S. A. Coxon (Wisbech), C. W. Barlow. J. Southcott. F. H. Bird, H. W. Rutherford, P. G. Purvis, E. Clear, A. Sturton. E. Peters, R. G. Meaden, C. Kent, J. A. Catchpole, Roberts, J. H. Bullock, F. Piggott, E. H. Church, and E. J. Howlett.
The Chairman said he was glad to see so many present, as it showed there was a great interest in chess in Cambridge, and he hoped in the neighbourhood. The object of the meeting was not so much to form a new club as to bring together the various clubs of Cambridge and the clubs in the county, and not only clubs, but chess players, whether they belonged to clubs or not, so as to form one association. Considering that for several years the University Chess Club had been one of the largest nurseries of amateur chess players in the country, and that in the town there were several strong chess players who only required practice with first-class players, he thought it was remarkable that they had not hitherto had a chess association.
Mr. Crowley proposed that a chess association be formed. He was there as President of the University Chess Club, and he thought in this matter both clubs could very well work together. He said that the University Chess Club met every Thursday, and they would be pleased to see members of the association at any time.
Mr. A. Sturton seconded, and thanked Mr. Crowley for his invitation.
The resolution was carried.
On the question of headquarters Mr. Peters said he attended several meetings for organising that meeting, and was deputed to make inquiries as to where a room could be obtained in which they could meet once a week, and he found that at the Lion Hotel they could get a room for £5 a year for one evening a week. He proposed that the room be taken.
Mr. J. H. Bullock seconded, and said that a room was needed where they could meet. It was thing which was absolutely necessary.
Mr. Gunston said that if the Association was to be like other associations they would not have weekly meetings for play at all. His idea in coming to the meeting was that the Association was to arrange matches between the clubs of the county and to arrange matches with other counties. For his own part he should vote against having headquarters for weekly play, although the offer seemed a very reasonable one.
The Chairman said that if they got an Association they would probably be able to get a cup for the clubs to compete for. In that way members of different clubs would be able to get play against each other, and through that means they would be able to choose members to play against other counties.
Mr. Meaden spoke of the need of some central club where members could always get a game, and supported Mr. Peters's resolution.
After some discussion Mr. Gunston said that the majority seemed to want to form a club. He should be pleased to see such a club formed as was suggested, but that was not a county association.
Ultimately the matter of headquarters was withdrawn.
The meeting proceeded to elect officers. Mr. Deighton was chosen president, Messrs Gunston, A. Peckover (Lord-Lieutenant), Crowley, Church and Dr. Keynes, vice-presidents, while the members of Parliament for the University, Borough and County, and Sir George Newnes, were asked to become vice-presidents. Mr. A. Sturton was elected treasurer, and Mr. E. Peters secretary, with Mr. J. Hunt Stanford as assistant secretary. Messrs Bullock, Perkins, Warburton, E. J. Howlett, and a delegate from Wisbech to be elected by that club, were appointed a provisional committee to form the rules.
The meeting closed with vote of thanks to the Chairman. |