THE SAFFRON WALDEN WEEKLY NEWS Saffron Walden, Essex, England 9 April 1897 (page 6)
On Friday afternoon the 25th annual match between the universities of Oxford and Cambridge was contested at the British Chess Club, 37, King-street, Covent Garden, with teams of seven players a side. Oxford scored first, the game at board No. 1 being skillfully conducted by Mr. E. G. S. Spencer-Churchill against Mr. E. A. Crowley (Cantab). The second game over also went in favour of the Oxonians, Mr. E. Lawton having rather frightened his opponent, Mr. W. C. Naish, out of the game. Shortly after, Messrs. R. Hancock (Ox.) and A. Fotheringham (Cam.) agreed to draw; and Mr. C. E. C. Tattersall (Cam.) scored off Mr. G. Fraser (Ox.) This victory for the Cantabs was followed quickly by another victory for their side by Mr. L. McLuan defeating the Oxonian, Mr. H. H. W. George, making the score 2˝. At five o’clock, however, Mr. G. H. Stoker scored another point for Oxford by defeating Mr. A. L. Stainer. One game then remained only, between Mr. R. A. Jenkins (Oxford) and Mr. R. Battersby, and this game was won by the former, thus giving the victory to Oxford.—Up to the present the Cantabs hold a majority of 15 to nine, one of the matches only ending in a draw. |