Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England

29 April 1897

(page LVIII)





The Inter-University match was played at the rooms of the British Chess Club, Covent Garden, on April 2nd, at 2 p.m. Oxford won the toss and took Whites on the odd boards.



No. 1. Crowley v. Spencer-Churchill. Black adopted Petroff's defence and early on lost a pawn. Later on in the game White won another, and was soon able to convert the game into a victory.


No. 2. Naisch v. Lawton. Mr. Naisch had the move and played the Queen's Gambit which was declined by Black. White got the best of the opening and appeared to have won a game at one point. Soon afterwards he made an oversight, losing the exchange and ruining his position, and at one resigned.


No. 3. Battersby v. Jenkins. A Queen's Gambit . . .