THE MORNING POST London, England 26 March 1898 (page 3)
The 26th annual chess match between Oxford and Cambridge Universities was played yesterday at the British Chess Club, and resulted in a victory for Cambridge, which now therefore has a majority of 16 to nine, the contest of 1883 having resulted in a tie. The last three matches were won by Oxford, but several changes have occurred in the teams on both sides since last year, so that much uncertainty has all along attached to the result of the present encounter. During the week the University players have had much useful practice in matches with the leading London Clubs, and in some instances have attained very creditable results. Play began yesterday afternoon at about three o'clock, each University being represented by seven players. Mr. E. G. S. Churchill again led the Oxford team, and on this occasion had to meet Mr. Tattersall, who is one of the few of last year's players remaining in the Cambridge team. Mr. Churchill was not so successful this time as he was last year against Mr. Crowley, for, playing the French defence in somewhat defective style, he was obliged to lose the exchange, and, though he made an admirable effort to save the situation, was eventually defeated. Mr. M'Lean on the next board met the Bishop's Gambit played by Mr. George in such spirited style that be also won for Cambridge, his game occupying no more than 21 moves. The games on boards three and four, however, both developed favourably for Oxford, Mr. Hulbert successfully withstanding Mr. Softlaw's Ruy Lopez attack, and Mr. Currie getting the better of Mr. Fotheringham in a Petroff game. Mr. Soddy and Mr. Babcock, of Oxford, arrived at drawn positions respectively with Mr. Foster and Mr. Makower, but on the seventh board Mr. Cullen so effectively defended the Ruy Lopez against Mr. Dodd that he scored another victory for Cambridge, which University thus won by the odd game. Play ceased at six o'clock, the final score being :