THE NATIONAL ADVOCATE Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia 29 December 1898 (page 2)
The Catholic Press, in its report of the annual celebration of the Rosebank College, thus refers to the doings of Miss Leila Waddell, daughter of Mr. D. Waddell, of Stewart-street, Bathurst:—“A marked feature of the performance on last Tuesday was the violin playing of Miss Waddell. The mastery that this young lady has acquired over the difficult instrument is something wonderful in one so young. She plays with delightful grace and ease—all the technical difficulties vanishing before her touch. Nor is this superior proficiency in technique her only merit. She is besides a real musician, and plays with rare sympathy and power. Readers of the "Catholic Press" will remember that we referred in high terms of praise to the young lady's performance on the violin at an entertainment given in the Convent School. Bathurst, in honour of the Hierarchy of Australasia on the occasion of their visit that city, to assist at the solemn re-opening and dedication of the Cathedral. Since then, however, she has made marked progress, and there can be no doubt now but that she will largely add to the fame that Australia is acquiring as being a land whose children are pre-eminently gifted with high musical ability. |