Mexico City, Mexico

14 October 1900

(page 13)




A Redoubtable Mountain Climber

is at Present in the City.



A Herald reporter called on the Chevalier O'Rourke [pseudonym of Aleister Crowley] yesterday in regard to the report that he was going to attempt the ascent of Ixtaccihuatl.


The Chevalier said that he had climbed many mountains in Switzerland that had been pronounced inaccessible and that guides could not be procured to make the attempt. He is confident that he can reach the summit of Ixtaccihuatl but prefers to have a companion go with him and if any one should doubt his sincerity or judgement in the matter he is willing to make the following bet viz: $1,500 to $1,200 that he will take any healthy American or Englishman to the summit of Ixtaccihuatl within 21 hours of pitching the camp at or near the snow line. The following conditions to be observed:


1st. Each party to provide his personal equipment, such as guns, horses, etc.


2nd. The taker of the odds to provide the common equipment as tents, mules, provisions, service, etc.


3rd. The layer of the bet to have absolute command in all questions appertaining to mountain craft.


4th. Serious illness of either party after reaching the snowline to cancel the bet, (this will not include the so-called "mountain sickness.")


5th. Stakes to be held by a responsible party to be subsequently agreed upon.


6th. In the event of a fatal accident to either party, the whole of the stake money to go to some charitable object to be agreed upon.


7th. The taker of the odds to have the right of stepping first upon the actual summit.


8th. Each party to exercise separately the right of making literary use of the expedition.


Or, Chevalier O'Rourke is willing to make the attempt with a suitable companion, without the bet, the balance of the above conditions to be observed, and he thinks the honor of being the first to climb the mountain will more than counterbalance the expense which will not exceed $200 each.


Any gentleman who wishes to accept either of the above propositions can communicate with the Chevalier O'Rourke at the Hotel Iturbide.


Chevalier O'Rourke has been in Mexico City about four months and with a traveller's instinct has learned the lay of the valley pretty thoroughly. It will be interesting to watch if there are any takers for the above rather unique wager.


Note: Ixtaccihuatl has been climber by Henry Remsen Whitehouse, at one time secretary of the United States legation here and some others.