THE MEXICAN HERALD Mexico City, Mexico 19 March 1901 (page 8)
Mountain Climbers Unable to Ascend the Slopes of Colima.
Chevalier O'Rourke [pseudonym of Aleister Crowley] and his fellow mountain climber, Mr. Eckstein [Oscar Eckenstein], returned yesterday from Colima where they have been for the past weeks examining the active volcanoes of that Pacific state. The chevalier for the first time in his life found something which he could not climb. The volcano of Colima is a decidedly hard proposition. The chevalier and his companion nearly lost their lives in their attempts to ascend the active mount. "Large cinders and ashes were thrown into the air for several miles," said the climbers last evening. "When we were ten miles from the crater we were pelted with bits of cinder all of which satisfied us that the earth's internal fires have not subsided to any great extent." |