THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL San Francisco, California 4 May 1901 (page 9)
Toyo Kisen Kaisha’s Nippon Maru Sails
The Nippon Maru took away a very large cargo. Purser I.B. Slocum did not go out on the steamship this trip, his place being taken by C. Lacey Goodrich, formerly of the Coptic. Mr. Slocum will enjoy a vacation. The cabin passengers on the Nippon Maru were:
For Yokohama—Mrs. E. E. Ransome and infant, J. H. Rosenthal. For Kobe—F. W. Carlson, J. H. Fletcher, A. H. Trumbo. For Nagasaki—L. Bull, Mrs. H. L. Douglas, Miss Hostetter, E. C. Huff, Leigh Hunt, Mrs. Leigh Hunt and two servants, Miss Helen Hunt. For Shanghai—C. H. W. Bosman, Dr. John Fryer. For Hongkong—Mrs. W. H. Avery, A. Crowley, F. L. Fernald, Mrs. F. L. Fernald, Mrs. J. C. Howe, F. L. Hutton, Mrs. F. E. Hutton, Professor Perry Hayne, J. H. King, C. H. King, H. Lambe, S. O. Lockwood Jr., Oscar Sutra and Mrs. William Whiley. |