THE HAWAIIAN STAR Honolulu, Hawaii 10 May 1901 (page 5)
Has Big Cargo For The Orient—Leigh Hunt, the Korean Mining Man Quite Ill Aboard Her.
The Nippon Maru reached port from San Francisco yesterday afternoon and docked by 6 o'clock. She brought only one passenger for this port who will lay over until one of the other vessels for the Orient comes. He is A. Crowley. With the Nippon came a new purser who is not however a stranger to the people here. He is C. Lacy Goodrich and he took the place formerly held by Mr. Slocum who goes to some other branch of the company's service. Mr. Goodrich served for five years as purser of the Coptic. Harry Allen the steward rejoined the vessel in San Francisco after being temporarily laid up with sickness. She brought mail and papers to May 3 the date of her departure from San Francisco.
The vessel had a big cargo for the Orient being loading [sic] below the water line. She had a small list in the cabin. The most notable passenger was Leigh Hunt the American who owns mines Korea. He was quite ill with kidney trouble while in port and could not be interviewed. Mr. Hunt was accompanied by his wife, child and two servants. In his party were F.W. Carlson and A. [?]. Trumbo who are going to Kobe to take positions in some of his mines.
Going to Yokohama was J.R. Rosenthal a silk manufacturer of Japan. Mrs. E.E. Ransome and infant were also going to Yokohama. She is the daughter of Captain Walter who formerly commanded the Belgic. He is now the marine superintendent for the steamship company at Yokohama.
C.H. Bosman is going out to Shanghai to accept the position as second secretary of the British legation at Peking.
Dr. John Fryer who occupies the chair of Oriental languages at the University of California is also a passenger for Shanghai. He goes as an agent of the American government in the settlement of Chinese affairs.
F.L. Fernald and wife are going to Hong Kong. He is a naval constructor and will have work at the government dry dock at Hong Kong.
Mrs. William Avery the wife of the general agent of the Toyo Kisen Kaisha at San Francisco is on board the Nippon on a pleasure trip to the Orient.
Oscar Sutro of San Francisco is going to Manila to establish a law office.
The Nippon Maru got away at noon for the Orient. There was a big crowd to witness the departure, the majority of those leaving being Japanese. |