Bradford, Yorkshire, England

24 May 1901

(PAGE 8)






The Soul of Osiris. By Aleister Crowley. (Kegan, Paul & Co.)


This new volume by Mr. Crowley fuses heathen and Christian elements in a remarkable manner. It consists of detached poems dealing with some of the great elemental facts of life as expressed in Egyptian and Christian symbols. The difference between them, however, is by no means so great as the ordinary reader supposes. Anticipations of what are commonly deemed especially Christian truths are found in Egyptian religion as in many others, and they lend themselves to mystic representations in symbol language. Mr. Crowley presses these symbols into his service, and his poetic treatment of them is very striking. The poems contain much fluent versification, and will familiarize thoughtful readers with the great and numerous common elements between the Egyptian and Christian mysteries.