THE MORNING POST London, England 24 May 1901 (PAGE 7)
“The Soul of Osiris: A History,” by Aleister Crowley (Kegan Paul, Trench, and Co., 5s. net), is an ambitious piece of work. We cannot pretend to have mastered the historical scheme, which is implied in the sub-title; but we presume that the books of this “history” are “The Court of the Profane,” “The Gate of the Sanctuary,” “The Holy Place,” and “The Holy of Holies,” while its chapters are composed of the poems on various subjects and in various metres which the several books contain. There, we fear, we must leave Mr. Aleister Crowley’s production in order to turn to a work, absolutely different in kind, but alike in the claim it makes on the time and patience of its readers. . . . |