SHEFFIELD DAILY TELEGRAPH Sheffield, Yorkshire, England 7 March 1902 (page 4)
A party of English experts at climbing, in association with Swiss and Austrian mountaineers, will make some interesting ascents in the Himalayas during the coming summer. The object of the expedition is mainly to break climbing records, but scientific observations will also be made. The Englishmen are Mssrs. Crowley, Knowles [Guy Knowles], and Eckenstein [Oscar Eckenstein], the last of whom was Sir William Conway's companion in his last Himalayan expedition. Porters and Swiss guides have already been engaged. The first peak to be attempted will be the Godwin Austen, 28, 250 feet, also known at K2 or No. 2 on English maps. Afterwards the party will attempt Mount Everest, 29,000 feet high, the highest mountain in the world. The highest point yet attained in the Himalayas is Pioneer Peak, 21,000 feet, climbed by Sir William Conway ten years ago. |