THE TIMES OF INDIA Bombay, Maharashtra, India 4 October 1902 (page 6)
The following passengers are booked to proceed to-day by the P. and O. Company's steamer Egypt, Captain J. Chellew, to Marseilles and London:—
Ali, Mr M A, Alridge, Major A R Arvey, Mr Ashton, Dr J and Barnes, Mrs H S Baum, Mr E Bayley, Mr W E Bent, Mrs H Blacklan, Mr and Mrs C F, and child Brereton, Mr A, and boy Buck, Mr Walter Charlton, Mrs Clutterbuck, Capt E R Clutterbuck, Mrs P H and two children Crowley, Mr A Coen, Mr, Mrs and infant Conybeare, Mrs A M, and infant Cox, Mr Joseph Eagen, Mrs J Eakin, Mr J Edwardes, Mr S M Elliott, Mr A G Field, Major C W Fulton, Mr J H W Greaves, Mr J H Gonsalves, Dr L Hamnett, Mr F H Hawes, Mr J W Head, Mr Alfred Hickling, Rev and Mrs R H and three infants Kestinge, Mr and Mrs G Knight, Mr Charles W Lamb, Mr David Lowther, Miss Macpherson, Mr Marshall, Major and Mrs D G, child and infant Mclntyre, Mr J Miller, Mr and Mrs H, child and infant Miller, Mrs Millett, Mrs, child and infant Moncrieff, Mrs Scott Orr, Lieut H M C Pandit, Mr S R Parker, Capt Pelly, Miss Pinney, Mrs Price, Mr and Mrs C F, two children and two infants Quadros, Dr M L Rich, Major C L M Ritchie, Lieut W B Stainton, Mr V Standage, Mrs Stratton, Mr F B Spence, Capt A H Ogilvy Taylor, Mr Taylor, Mr J Lushington Vakeel, Mr N H Vakeel, Mr J H Walton, Mr and Mrs R Walton, Miss Wassell, Mr and Mrs, and 3 children Welch, Mr W W Whitly Smith, Mrs Whitly Smith, Miss Wilder, Mrs Wilder, Mrs, three children and infant Withall, Mr W |