TRUTH London, England 2 February 1905 (PAGE 270)
“The Chance of the Year! The Chance of the Century!! The Chance of the Geologic Period!!!” Such is the announcement on a circular that has been widely distributed during the last few days, and appears to have been “dumped” wholesale upon the colleges of Oxford and Cambridge. The chance in question appears to be that of winning £100 by an essay on the works of Aleister Crowley. This prize is stated to be offered by the “Society for Promoting Religious Truth,” whose address is Boleskine, Foyers, Inverness. Strange to say, not one of the scores of people who have received the circular appear to know who Aleister Crowley is, or who the Society for Promoting Religious Truth are. Seeing that a special edition of the works of Aleister Crowley is to be issued for the use of competitors for the £100 prize, and that competitors are furnished with an order form by which they agree to pay 5s. for the first volume of this issue, a suspicion naturally arises that the Society for the Promotion of Religious Truth and Aleister Crowley himself must be somewhat intimately connected. If that is not the case, perhaps one or other of them will explain the precise basis of the interest which the Society takes in this author’s works. |