THE TAUNTON COURIER Taunton, Somerset, England 13 September 1905 (PAGE 1)
News has been received at Berne of the Swiss expedition which went to the Himalayas to scale Mount Kanchanjanga (28,156 feet).
The expedition consisted of Dr. Jacob Guillarmod [Jules Jacot Guillarmod], of Neuchatel; Lieutenant Pache [Alexis Pache] of Morgres; M Reymond [Charles-Adolphe Reymond], of Neuchatel; and Mr. A. E. Crawley, of Ireland.
They were not accompanied by guides, but Reuter says the British Government supplied an escort of Gurkhas, who are capital mountaineers.
On September 1st the expedition sent a message to Darjeeling, announcing that Lieutenant Pache and three natives had been swept away by an avalanche and killed, and that they were returning to Darjeeling, having encountered insuperable opposition on the part of the natives. |