THE TIMES AND EXPRESS 15 September1905 (page 5)
News has been received from Dr. Jacot-Guillarmod’s [Jules Jacot Guillarmod] expedition, which went to the Himalayas and endeavoured to scale Kinchinjunga (28,155ft.), or, at least, to beat the record made by Mr. Graham on that mountain.
The expedition, which left Darjeeling on Aug. 8, was composed of Dr. Jacot-Guillarmod, of Neuchatel; Mr. A. E. Crowley, engineer, of Ireland; Lieutenant Alexis Pache, of Morgres; and M. Charles Reymond [Charles-Adolphe Reymond] of Neuchatel. No Swiss guides accompanied the party, and the British Government supplied an escort of Goorkhas, who are capital mountaineers. The following telegram has been received from Darjeeling:
M. Pache was a lieutenant in the Swiss Cavalry; he was thirty-one years of age, and most energetic in character. He joined the expedition chiefly in order to hunt in the Himalayas. His love of adventure led him to fight among the Boers in the late war in the Transvaal. |