Calcutta, West Bengal, India

2 November1905

(page 14)





On Sunday night, about 10 o'clock, five or six budmashes induced a European [Aleister Crowley] to follow them to Goaltollee Lane and Mott's Lane at the back of Dharamtolla Street. While in a small gully leading off Motta Lane the European was assaulted by the budmashes, whereupon he drew a revolver and shot two of them named Sho Nanka and Soorjaballi Bania. He then walked away in the direction of Wellesley Street, but no one appears to have followed him. The people living near the scene of the occurrence have been questioned by the police, but say that bombs and crackers were being exploded about the locality, and they were not attracted by the sound of any pistol shots. No clue as to the identity of the European has been obtained. The wounded men are lying in hospital in a critical condition.