THE SHEFFIELD DAILY TELEGRAPH Sheffield, Yorkshire, England 2 April 1906 (page 7)
Himalayan Exploration.
It is stated by the “Darjeeling Chronicle” that the Duke of the Abruzzi is going out to India with a party of twelve Italian guides and porters, to attempt the ascent of the Chogori, the second highest mountain in the world. This peak is also known as Survey Peak K 2, or Dapsang, Peak Godwin Austen, and in the Karahoram. Several attempts have been made to reach its summit, the last being in 1902, by a party consisting of Dr. Jacot Guillarmod [Jules Jacot Guillarmod], M. O. Eskenstein [Oscar Eckenstein], Mr. A. E. Crowley, Mr. G. Knowles [Guy Knowles], Drs. H. Pfann [Heinrich Pfannl] and V. Wessely [Victor Wessely]. Dr. Guillarmod and Mr. Crowley were members of the unfortunate 1905 expedition to Kangchenjunga. The other gentlemen are not known in Darjeeling, but it is rumoured that M. Eskenstein who is considered a first-class mountaineer, will make an attempt to ascend Kangchenjunga. |