THE LABOUR LEADER London, England 20 November 1908 (page 742)
A Question for Socialists to Answer.
Bourgeois society has proven itself so able to turn all agitations and philosophies to account in justification of its prostitution of principle, that revisionism and reaction under the magic of its pretentious hypocrisy have often assumed the role of revolutionary propaganda. Of such pretensions, anarchism in its phase of pure and simple anti-statism must rank equally with Socialism in its phase of state collectivism. The former is a bourgeois counterfeit equally with the latter, viewed from the standpoint of the proletarian. Amidst the confusion which the existence of such counterfeit coinage involve, it is well for the worker to know where he stands. This can only come from mastering the attitude of the father of scientific Socialism, Karl Marx. In order to stimulate such studies, the Bakunin Press invite all students of Marx to participate in its
Prize Essay Competition.
All essays must be sent in by January 1st, and the winning essay will be published as a pamphlet. No essay must exceed 3,000 words, and the writer will be expected to briefly define Marxism, and to expose the light it throws upon the political, civil, and intellectual institutions of capitalism. Rejected essays will be returned with brief criticisms explanatory of the reasons for such rejection. Competitors must forward 5s. postal order on entering the competition, but may send in more than one, but not more than three essays. In return for the 5s. sent, every competitor will receive the publications of the Bakunin Press mentioned below, and additional pamphlets as published until he has received the full value of his entry fee. The prize-winner will receive the following well-known works complete as his or her
Award of Merit.
CAPITAL (Two Volumes), by Karl Marx. EIGHTEENTH BRUMAIRE, by Karl Marx. VALUE, PRICE, AND PROFIT, by Karl Marx. WHAT IS PROPERTY (Two Volumes), by Proudhen. CONDITION OF WORKING CLASSES IN ENGLAND, by F. Engels. NEWS FROM NOWHERE, by William Morris. FORCE AND MATTER, by Ludwig Buchner. GOD AND THE STATE, by Michael Bakunin. STUDENT’S MARX, by Dr. Aveling. STUDIES IN SOCIALISM, by Jean Jaurès. COMPLETE WRITINGS OF ALEISTER CROWLEY, £2 2s. Edition.
In addition to having paid for them, should they wish it, one year’s subscription to Freedom, the organ of anarchist-communism, in the February number (1909) of which the result will be published. Enter now and persuade your friends to enter, and thus help us to clear off the debt on our propaganda! You will want to help us to publish more pamphlets and to extend our platform propaganda when you read the following
Pamphlets for the Proletarian.
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