Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia

24 April 1909

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17th March, 1909.


I was very fortunate since I secured a 20 weeks excellent engagement to tour Scotland and the provinces a fortnight after my arrival—and have met with great success. Six weeks in beautiful Scotland, Manchester, Cardiff, Bradford, Leeds. Dublin, Newcastle, Nottingham, Hull, Liverpool, Birmingham, Black- pool, Bournemouth, so am having an excellent opportunity of seeing the midlands and great manufacturing towns. In Glasgow I met some relatives. My uncle, R. D. Waddell, is a very wealthy man and collector of famous violins. He owns the celebrated ‘Betts Strad,’ the fancy price or value of which is £5000, and the best Guadagnini in the world which he has presented to me—a noble instrument with a tone like a cello—for which Hart of London has a ready buyer for £3000—so that I consider myself extremely lucky in owning such a celebrated instrument. My uncle's collection also embraces two find Amatis, two Joseph Guarnerius—two Jacob Stainers a carlo Bergonzi. Vuillaume, Laudolphi, a maggini Viole, and some splendid cellos—The Betts Strad is the envy of all dealers—it has the most silvery tone, luscious quality—a very beautiful instrument—25 violins, and historical bows—The whole collection is valued at £50,000. I played on all the violins whilst staying at my Uncle's house, and was in my element. I thought Edinburgh a very lovely city with its interesting, old castles and world famous Princess Street. Such a winter, ever so much snow, but I have enjoyed it thoroughly. The Country clad in white is a veritable fairyland to me, especially the leafless trees which add a note of weirdness. English people consider it a phenomenal winter heavy show in March being almost unknown for a generation. I am sorry to have missed the Opera at Convent Garden, but am looking forward to the Wagner festival at Bayreuth in July, a whole week of Wagner-including the Ring. I am well booked ahead for engagements, so cannot agree with the theory that it is foolish for Australians to come to London.


Yours faithfully

Leila Waddell On Tour.