THE BOURNEMOUTH DAILY ECHO Bournemouth, Hampshire, England 26 May 1909 (page 2)
T. J. West’s new programme at the Shaftesbury Hall on Monday was welcomed by crowded houses. Two melodramatic films “A Colonial Romance,” giving a picture of life in the Southern States, and “Longing for Gold,” a pathetic little love story, proved prime favourites. “A Awkward Return,” “Pay Up Day,” “The Immortal Goose,” “ and “The Amateur Chimney Sweep,” are good, roaring comics, whilst “Domestic Rivals” is a charming little animal study. The return engagement of Miss Leila Waddelll was a triumph for the charming Australian violinist, and she was accorded a well-deserved ovation. She was presented by musical admirers with some choice flowers. The new conjurer, Rodney Kinder, is capital in various sleight of hand tricks, paper and ring manipulation, etc. Mr. T. W. Kingston introduces the subjects and articles, and gives the little speech of thanks with all his old gusto. |