THE SPHERE London, England 5 June 1909 (page 204)
One of the most extraordinary publications we have ever received is called The Equinox, just issued by Simpkin, Marshall. It is the “official organ of the A.A. review of scientific illuminism,” and the first number consists of a quarto of nearly 400 pages published at 5s. “With the publication of this review,” we are told in an editorial note, “begins a completely new adventure in the history of mankind,” and “some of the contents of the review may be difficult or impossible to understand at first.” Certainly the average reader will find himself in that predicament, for we are unable to follow the outlook of “The Brothers.” Their intention, we are told, is to “establish a laboratory in which students may be able to carry out such experiments as require too much time and toil to suit with their ordinary life.” One of the contributors is Mr. Aleister Crowley, whose remarkable treatise on the mystic path entitled Konx Om Pax puzzled reviewers some time ago. Mr. Frank Harris contributes a sketch called “The Magic Glasses,” and a supplement of 139 pages entitled “John St. John” is “a record of the magical retirement of G. H. Frater, O.M.” The paper is handsomely produced—some of the illustrations are quite extraordinary. One wonders how many adherents the new creed (whatever it is) possesses. |