THE SKETCH London, England 24 August 1910 (page 5)
Ceremonial Magic as the Gateway to Ecstasy.
During "A Ceremony to Invoke Artemis": The Lady of Mystery, the Violin Player.
On another page of this issue will be found an article dealing with "A New Religion." Apropos of this illustration of the lady who played the violin at Mr. Aleister Crowley's "At Home," at which an experiment was made in the effects of a ceremony to invoke Artemis, we may quote the following lines from the article: "After a long pause, the figure enthroned took a violin and played, played with passion and feeling, like a master. We were thrilled to our very bones. Once again the figure took the violin, and played an Abend Lied so beautifully, so gracefully, and with such intense feeling that in very deed most of us experienced that Ecstasy which Crowley so earnestly seeks." The lady in question, it may be recorded, is Miss Leila Waddell, who is very well known in Australia and New Zealand. |