London, England

12 October 1910

(pages 886-887)




In common with most of my contemporaries, I have received a pamphlet from Mr. Aleister Crowley advertising a performance of the Rites of Eleusis at the place where the Suffragists usually demonstrate. The object would seem to be to demonstrate the how and why of ecstasy, and the charge is £5. The Suffragists really can do it for cheaper, and to judge by the account of a dress rehearsal of the rites, which appeared in the Morning Leader, much more efficiently. Indeed the mysteries of Eleusis according to Crowley would seem specially calculated to demonstrate the extent of the human capacity for playing the fool. There is no need to pay Crowley £5 for this, though undoubtedly he has shown himself capable of supplying entertainment in this direction when he masquerades as Lord Boleskine of Foyers and ran his Society for the Propagation of Religious Truth.