THE BOOKSELLER London, England 28 October 1910 (page 1499)
Books Wanted.
FOYLE, W. & G., 135 Charing Cross Road, W.C.
Antediluvian World. Macpherson. Century of Political Development. Harland. Comedies and Errors. Thresh. Water Analyses. Caiani, Capt. Termini TechniciMilitariinglesi e Italiani. Thayer. Tact, Push and Principle. Accountant’s Manual. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8. History of Buckinghamshire, 1817-1850. Johnson. Gamekeepers’ Directory. Kellebrew. Report on the Culture and Curing of Tobacco in U.S.A. Lutter. Tobacco Manufacturers’ Manual. Brown, K. Sirocca. Robertson. Letters on Reasoning. Nature the Supernatural. Morris, Dr. History of South Petherton. The Birchen Bouquet. Powell. Practical Printing. Two vols. Boys of Our Empire. Vol. 1. Chums. Any Volume Crowley, Aleister. Any Works. |