THE BRAZEN NOSE Oxford, Oxfordshire, England November 1910 (Page 172)
COLLEGE RECORDS. Societies and Clubs.
The Pater Society.
The Pater Society, with an increased membership of eighteen, under the successive presidencies of J. M. Murry, W. M. Logan, and E. H. Crooke, continues to eat, drink, and be merry. It is also frequently quite literary. That at least is the conclusion to be drawn from the titles of recent papers. There have been papers and discussions upon subjects so varied as Tennyson, Blake, Francis Thompson, Ibsen, and the Pre-Raphaelites. From the mysticism of Aleister Crowley to the Miltonic caesura is a far cry; but experience has shown that there is not much in a name: a paper on Milton may produce an excellent discussion upon the ‘vulgarity’ of Mr. H. G. Wells. Dr. Grundy, Mr. Jenkinson, and Mr. Goodyear, the founder of the Society, have delighted us with papers respectively on ‘The Greek Anthology,’ ‘The Art of Picture-Making,’ and ‘The New Machiavelli.’ |