London, England

9 November 1910

(page 268)








Mr. Aleister Crowley

(As the “Guardian of the Flame”)


In our issue of October 12 we published the first set of photographs obtainable of the “Rites of Eleusis,” inaugurated as weekly functions at the Caxton Hall, Westminster, by Mr. Aleister Crowley, the celebrated mystic, poet, and philosopher. Since that date, several of the “rites” have taken place, and while some newspapers have treated them seriously, and others have preferred to regard them as subjects for humorous treatment, yet others (though these not very important organs of opinion) have chosen to use them as the vehicle for charges against Mr. Crowley of blasphemy.


So incorrigibly open is our mind that there floated into it the vague idea these might be no truer about Mr. Crowley’s ideas than they have been about those of other poets and philosophers against whom they have been brought. Mr. Crowley, it occurred to us, was essentially a man to be invited to explain himself, and, as the attack on him has taken a literary form, we presumed, correctly as it seems, that he would prefer that form for his vindication of himself.


Mr. Crowley has gladly accepted The Bystander's invitation and IN OUR NEXT ISSUE (November 16) will be published an article by him in which he will state precisely what are the foundations of the theories upon which he has initiated the “rites” in question. From this article our readers will be free to form what conclusions they choose as to the justice or otherwise of all the charges against him. It is probable that further articles by Mr. Crowley, in development of his views, will appear subsequently in The Bystander.