New York, New York


(Pages 454-455)





This is a recent mystical society founded in London by Mr. Aleister Crowley, a poet, for the purpose of initiating the members of the society into the mysteries of “Ecstacy.” The founder contends that the earnest student of his principles profits mentally and physically, and develops a capacity for intellectual enjoyment not possessed by the average person. The cult holds its meetings in the Caxton Hall, London, and many persons well-known in society attended the opening sessions. The hall was almost completely darkened, and a monk, with drawn sword, admitted the visitors and showed them to their seats. An Oriental lamp hung in a far corner of the hall, and dense clouds of incense filled the room. The violin solo opened the proceedings, followed by a procession of white figures, carrying red lamps, and marching in a circle. This represented a march of ancient priests. Mr. Crowley then recited poetry from the rostrum, still in semi-darkness, and the auditors were told of the society and its hopes and aims. But one or two meetings of this new cult have as yet been held; but the central idea of the teaching may be inferred from these gatherings. Mr. Crowley stated his belief that life is a nightmare, and that nothing exists beyond the grave, save oblivion. Curiously enough, those attending are requested to wear different colors for the different séances—black or dark blue for Saturn, violet for Jupiter, scarlet or brown for Mars, green or sky blue for Venus, and shot silk for Mercury.