MAINLY ABOUT PEOPLE (M.A.P.) London, England 28 January 1911
A lady correspondent, in whose discernment I have every confidence, has received a strange communication, which she fears may bring her ill-luck, unless she passes it on to the unfortunate editor of M.A.P. It is a prayer written by Mr. Aleister Crowley, and it must be copied out, with the instructions, eleven times, and sent on to eleven friends, that they may do the same. “If this be done,” so read the instructions,” it is said that a great blessing will be yours on the eleventh day, but if not, beware lest you fall on the eleventh day into a terrible calamity.”
The prayer is headed by the following mystic symbols:
418 666
and it reads thus:
Praise be to God the Master of the Way, Whose grace shall save us in Judgment Day. We serve Thee gracious, Thee compassionate— O keep un in the Way serene and strait!
O keep us in the Way of those who bless Thy favour filling out their feebleness, O keep us ever from the fatal way Of those unhappy ones who go astray!
By thus circulating this curious formula among considerably more than eleven persons, I trust that I may be relieving both myself and my lady correspondent from calamities. |