THE NATION London, England 18 February 1911 (Page 850)
“For Her Namesake” (Herbert & Daniel, 3s. 6d. net) is an anthology of poetry, the principle of selection being that each poem is in praise of the lady whose name it contains. The plan is a happy one, and the editor, Mr. Stephen Langton, has done his work with taste and judgment. Mr. Langton has ransacked the whole range of our poetry and has collected a number of gems which gain rather than lose by the fanciful setting in which we find them. There are four poems by Francis Thompson, including his charming lines to Daisy, and among living poets we notice Mrs. Shorter, Mr. Ernest Radford, Dr. Todhunter, Mr. Aleister Crowley, Mr. Dobson, the Rev. R. L. Gales, whose “Marie Louise” appeared in our own columns, and Mr. Wilfrid Meynell, who is represented by some admirably turned verses on a “tweeny.” |